Recent publications

209- SOUZA, A.D.; FARINELLI, F.; FELIPE, E.; EMYGDIO, J.L., ALMEIDA, M.B. FILHO, A. S. (2024). A. Information needs and uses for the medical front line in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. vol. 1, n.12.
Status: publicado

207- ALMEIDA, M.B.; EMIGDYO, J.L. (2023). BFO as a top-level ontology for information systems modeling. Tutorial at the 14th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies 2023 (ICBO 2023).
Status: publicado

206- SOUZA, A. D; FARINELLI, F.; FELIPE, E. R.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; FILHO A.S.A. (2023). Necessidade e usos da Informação da linha de frente médica no enfrentamento da Pandemia da COVID-19.
Anais da XV Jornadas da Asssociação Portuguesa de Informação e Saúde (APDIS) 2023.
Status: Aceito para publicação

**- Call for the tutorial, ICBO 2023

205- SOUZA, A.D.; FILHO, A. S. A.; FELIPE, E.R.; FARINELLI, F. ALMEIDA, M.B. (2023). An Application of Natural Language Processing and Ontologies to Electronic Healthcare Records in the Field of Gynecology. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2023).
Status: publicado

203- SOUZA, A.D.; FILHO, A. S. A.; FELIPE, E.R.; FARINELLI, F. ALMEIDA, M.B. (2023). The representation of knowledge in health: Note on controlled vocabularies and ontologies. In: Development and Its Applications in Scientific Knowledge. ISBN 978-65-84976-28-3.
Status: publicado.

199- MACHADO, L.O.; MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D. ALMEIDA, M.B.; BORGES, M.M. (2023).  Towards a moderate realist foundation for ontological knowledge organization systems: The question of the naturalness of classifications.
Journal of Information Science, pp. 1–18 DOI: 10.1177/01655515231160031.
Status: publicado

195- BAÑOS-MORENO, M.; FELIPE, E.R.; PIÑA-LANDABURU, Z.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2022). ¿De qué se habla cuando se habla de homeopatía en la web?: un análisis de contenido. Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento. vol.28, n.1.
Status: publicado

193- SOUZA, A. D.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2022). Definitions in Biomedical Ontologies: The Method ONTODEF. Journal of Biotechnology & Bioresearch, volume 3, issue 4. (short paper).

192- EMIGDYO, J.L; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2021). Innovation in Information Technology for Biomedicine: Ontologies Applied to the Systems Interoperability. Journal of Biotechnology & Bioresearch. (short paper).

191- FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2022). Ontologies as knowledge representation strategy in Biomedicine. Biomed Research And Technology. volume 15, issue 1. (short paper).
Status: publicado

188- ALMEIDA, C.; MOREIRA, C. (2021). Toward an ontological representation for corporate financial documents and their components: an investigation on balance sheets and their accounts. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities. Italy.
Presentation available here: Lecture Solee Italy sept 2021

184- ALMEIDA, M.B; EMIGDYO, J.L. (2021). Formal Top-level Ontologies Applied to the Integration of Biomedical TerminologiesJournal of Biotechnology & Bioresearch 2(5). JBB. 000550. 2021. (short paper).

183- ALMEIDA, M.B; FELIPE, E.R. (2021). The queries expansion on biomedical terminologies: toward a comparison of knowledge representation artifacts for information retrieval. Trends in Technical & Scientific Research (TTSR). 5 (1).DOI:10.19080/TTSR.2021.05.555654 (short paper).

Previous publications

178- Smith et al. (2020). BFO 2.0 – BFO 2020 – Detailed Comparison – Report. Ontology Research Group.
Status: publicado

176- PINTO, J. A.; ALMEIDA, M. B. (2020). An Applied Ontology-Oriented Study Case to Distinguish Public and Private Institutions Through Their Documents. Knowledge Organization, v.47 n.6, 2020, p. 582-592, US.

169- MACHADO, L.M.O.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOUZA, R.R. (2020). What researchers are currently saying about ontologies: a review on recent Web of Science articles. Knowledge Organization Journal, v.47 no.3 – US

166- ALMEIDA, M.B.; RIBEIRO, E.F.; BARCELOS, R. (2020). Toward a Document-Centered Ontological Theory for Information Architecture in Corporations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and TechnologyVolume71, Issue 11, Pages 1308-1326. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24337, EUA.

165- ALMEIDA, M.B.; TEIXEIRA, L.M.D., EMIGDYO, J.L. (2020). Representing and Connecting the Biomedical Science through the Applied Ontology Discipline. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, vol.7, n.4. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.07.001182, EUA.

153- ALMEIDA, M.B.; RIBEIRO, E.F.; MACULAN, B.C. (2019). Ontologies and Classification: The Unavoidable Interplay Between Human Reasoning and Machine Reasoning. Proceedings of the QQML 2019: 11 th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Florence, Italy.

148- SIMÕES, M.G.; MACHADO, L.; SOUZA, R.R.; LOPES, A.T.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2018). Automatic indexing and ontologies: the consistency of research chronology and authoring in the context of Information Science. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference, Porto, PT


140 – ALMEIDA, M.B.; PESSANHA, C.P. (2017). Organização e representação da informação corporativa. Anais do III Congresso ISKO Espanha-Portugal.

138- ALMEIDA, M.B.; PESSANHA, C.; BARCELOS, R. (2017). A information architecture for organizations: a social ontology approach. In: Ontology in Information Science. Thomas, C. (Ed.). ISBN 978-953-51-5354-2. ver Mapa mental

135- ALMEIDA, M.B.; FARINELLI, F. (2017). Ontologies for Representation of Electronic Medical Records: the Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. doi:10.1002/asi.23900.

134- MACHADO, L.; SIMÕES, M.G.; SOUZA, R.R.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2017). Ciência da Informação e web semântica: uma relação efetiva ou apócrifa? Anais do III ISKO Portugal-Espanha

131- COELHO, K. C.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2017). Atos dos documentos e sua natureza teórico-filosófica.
Brazilian Journal of Information Science, vol. 11. n. 3. p. 66-78.

127 – TORRES, S.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2016). Qualitative methods in the characterization of legal documents.
QQML International Journal of Library and Information Science, vol. 5, p. 71-77.

121- FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; ELKIN,P.; SMITH, B. (2016). Interoperability Among Prenatal EHRs: A Formal Ontology Approachproceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Syposium, Chicago, U.S.
text | poster

120 – FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; ELKIN, P.; SMITH, B. (2016). OntONeo: The Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, Corvallis, U.S.

119- SOUZA, A. D.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2016). Natural Language Definitions for the Leukemia Knowledge Domain.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, Corvallis, U.S. (poster)

118 – FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; ELKIN, P.; SMITH, B. (2016). Dealing with Social and Legal Entities in the Obstetric and Neonatal Domain. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, Corvallis, U.S. (poster)

117 – FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; ELKIN, P.; SMITH, B. (2016) Dealing with elements of medical encounters: an approach based on the ontological realism. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, Corvallis, U.S. (poster)

116 – COELHO, K.; AVEIRO, D.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2016). Towards a formal account to dealing with documents within DEMO method. 6th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2016), Funchal, PT.

115 – MENDONÇA, F.M.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2016). OntoforInfoScience: a detailed methodology for construction of ontologies and its application in the blood domain. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol.10, no.1, São Paulo, Brasil.

108 –  BARACHO, R. M. A.; BRANQUINHO, L.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2015). Ontologies in support of data-mining based on associated rules: a case study in a medical diagnosis company. (short-paper).Proceeding do 7o Ontobras, São Paulo, BR.

107 – BARACHO, R. M. A.; BRANQUINHO, L.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOUZA, R.R. (2015). Using Ontologies and Inference Engine in Association Rule of Data Mining: Application in Sales Strategies in Medical Laboratory Diagnostic Market.
Proceedings of the19th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015), Orlando, US.

104 – SOUZA, A.D.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; NETO, J.C.A. (2015). Creation of Definitions for Ontologies: a Case Study in the Leukemia Domain. Proceedings of International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences 2015 (DILS2015), Los Angeles, US.

102 – OLIVEIRA, J.P.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2015). Specialized Information Sources in Health Sciences: Analysis of Features and Proposed Criteria for Evaluation. (short-paper). Proceedings of 2nd Annual International Conference on Library and Information Science, Greece.

99 – COELHO, K.C.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2015). Representation of Biomedical Expertise in Ontologies: a Case Study about Knowledge Acquisition on HTL viruses and their clinical manifestations. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO 2015), Brasil (poster)

98 – FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOUZA, I. L.  (2015). Linked Health Data: how linked data can help to provide better health decisions. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO 2015), Brasil, (poster)

97 – SOUZA, A.D.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2015). Textual Definitions in the Leukemia Domain: Methodological Guidelines for Biomedical Ontologies. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO 2015), Brasil, (poster)

96 – ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOUZA, R.; BARACHO, R. M. A. (2015). Looking for the identity of Information Science in the age of big data, computing clouds and social networks.
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2015), Croatia

95 – MENDONÇA, F.M.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOARES, A. L.;  SOUSA, C.P. (2015). From a consensual conceptual level to a formal ontological level: a case study in healthcare organizations. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO 2015), France.

94 – ALMEIDA, M.B.; BARACHO, R.M.A. (2014). A Theoretical Investigation About The Notion Of Parts And Wholes: Mereological And Meronymic Relation. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol.8 n.1/2.

93 – MELO, S.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2014). Applying Foundational Ontologies in Conceptual Modeling: A Case Study in a Brazilian Public Company. 10th International Workshop on Ontology ContentProceedings of On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8842.

82- OLIVEIRA, J. P.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; ARAÚJO, E.P.; OLIVEIRA, C. C. V. (2014). Remarks about the concept of information sources for the fields of information science and life sciences. 13th Knowledge Organization International Conference (ISKO 2014). Cracóvia, Polônia.

81- COELHO, K.C.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2014). Ontological Principles of Documents Acts in DEMO methodology: a Case Study in the Context of Public Health Institutions. Doctoral Consortium at the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2014). Funchal, Portugal.

79- FARINELLI, F.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2014). Ontologies and terminologies for semantic interoperability: an analysis focused on healthcare information systems. Doctoral Consortium at the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2014). Funchal, Portugal.

76- BAX, M.P., ALMEIDA, M.B., WASSERMANN, R. (eds.): Ontology Research in Brazil 2013. Proceedings of 6th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil ONTROBRÁS ‘ 13, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 23-25, 2013., online

71- MENDONÇA, F.M.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2013). Hemocomponents and Hemoderivatives Ontology (HEMONTO): an ontology about blood components. Proceedings of 6o Ontobras. Set. 2013 – Belo Horizonte, BR.

64- ALMEIDA, M.B. (2013). Revisiting Ontologies: a necessary clarification. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology. v. 64,  n. 8. p.  1682–1693. DOI: 10.1002/asi.22861

63- BROCHAUSSEN, M.B.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SLAUGHTER, L. (2013). Towards a formal representation of document acts and the resulting legal entities. In: Ingthorsson, R.D., Svennerlind, C., and Almäng J. (Ed.). Johanssonian Investigations. Ontos: Frankfurt, 120-139, 2013. ISBN 978-3-86838-190-0.
Veja um mapa mental dessa publicação.

61- ALMEIDA, M.B.; SLAUGHTER, L.; BROCHAUSSEN, M.B. (2012). Towards an ontology of document acts: Introducing a document act template for healthcare. OTM 2012 Workshops, LNCS 7567, pp. 420–425.

60- SOUZA, R. R.; TUDHOPE, S.; ALMEIDA, M. B.  (2012). Towards a Taxonomy of KOS: Dimensions for Classifying Knowledge Organization Systems. Knowledge Organization, v. 39, n.3.

55- ALMEIDA, M. B.; ANDRADE, A. Q.; MENDONÇA, F. M. (2012). Epistemology and medical records: an applied evaluation. Proceedings of 5o Ontobras/MOST. Set. 2012 – Recife, BR.

51- MENDONÇA, F. M.; CARDOSO, K.C.; ALMEIDA, M.B. (2012). Knowledge Acquisition in the construction of ontologies: a case study in the domain of hematology. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, 2012, Austria.

50- ANDRADE, A.Q.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; SCHULZ, S. (2012). Revisiting ontological foundations of the OpenEHR Entry Model. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, 2012, Austria.

49- ALMEIDA, M.B.; COELHO, K.C.; ANDRADE, A.Q.; CARNEIRO, L.E.S.;  OLIVEIRA, J. A.;  MENDONÇA, F.M.; SOUZA, R.R. (2011). O Blood Project: uma iniciativa para organização da informação em Biomedicina. Anais. XII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, Brasília (BR).

48- ALMEIDA, M.B.; SOUZA, R. R. (2011). Documents in Knowledge Management Support: a Case Study in a Healthcare Organization. In Knowledge Management / Book 2. ISBN. 979-953-307-571-5. Edited by Huei Tse Hou. (University of Taiwan).

45- ALMEIDA, M.B.; ANDRADE, A. Q. (2011). Information, reality and epistemology: an ontological take. Proceedings of the OBML 2011 – Workshop of Ontologies in Biomedicine and Life Sciences at Informatik 2011, Berlin (DE).

43- ANDRADE, A.Q.; ALMEIDA, M. B. (2011). A realism-based analysis of the Open Eletronic Health Records (Open EHR) Entry model. Proceedings of the Managing Interoperability and compleXity in Health Systems at the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Glasgow (UK)

42- SILVA, D. L.; SOUZA, R. R. ALMEIDA, M. B. (2011). Ontologies and controlled vocabularies. In Semantic Technologies for Business and Information Systems Engineering. Edited by Smolnik, S. (European Business School, Germany), Teuteberg, F. & Thomas, O. (University of Osnabruck, Germany).

38- ALMEIDA, M. B; SOUZA, R. R.; FONSECA, F. (2011). Semantics in the Semantic Web: a critical evaluation.
Status: Publicado em Knowledge Organization Journal, vol. 38, n.3, pg. 187-203.

37- AI, J.; ALMEIDA, M. B.; RUTEENBERG, A.; ANDRADE, A.Q.; SMITH, B. (2011). Body Fluids Ontology: A Unified Application Ontology for Basic and Translational Science. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, 2011, US.

36- ALMEIDA, M.B.; PROIETTI, A.B.; AI, J. (2011); SMITH, B. The Blood Ontology: an ontology in the domain of hematology. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, 2011, US.

35- ANDRADE, A. Q.; ALMEIDA, M. B. Epistemological issues in information organization instruments: ontologies and health information models. Proceedings of the International Conference of Biomedical Ontologies, 2011, US (doctoral consortium).

27- SOUZA, R. R.; TUDHOPE, D.; ALMEIDA, M. B. (2009). The KOS spectra: a tentative faceted typology of Knowledge Organization Systems. Anais do ISKO 2010.

24- ALMEIDA, M.B.; BARBOSA, R. R. (2009). Ontologies in knowledge management support – a case study. Journal of American Society of Information Science and Technology. vol. 60, n.10, p. 2032-2047.

21- ALMEIDA, M. B. (2009). A proposal to evaluate ontology content. Applied Ontology, vol.4, n. 3 / 4, p. 245-265.
Status: Publicado.

19- MANHÃ, E.M; SILVA, M.C.; ALVES, M.C.G.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; BRANDÃO, M.G.L. (2008).PLANT – A bibliographic Database about medicinal plants.
Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, volume 18, n. 4.